
Our Club calendar year runs from Aug 1st to July 31 of the following year.

Memberships follow the same calendar. Currently we offer a Business Membership and a Personal membership. Personal are either individual or family. All members with a valid e-mail address will receive our monthly newsletter.

Our Facebook and Website site is dynamic, filled with new events and information about the club. Your membership directly supports riding opportunities in the Emily /Outing areas by contributing to the club portion of grant-in aid matching funds needed for trail maintenance and improvements.

Local ATV Clubs maintain the trails, and without a club, there will be no trails. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to also join and participate in the activities. You can request a membership from, or join and pay with PayPal on our website,

OTHG Membership & ATVMN Information

Conveniently pay for your membership via the PayPal links, or print out the membership form/brochure and mail it in along with your check to:

The Over The Hills Gang
PO Box 40, Outing, MN 56662

Membership-Over The Hills Gang ATV Club

ATVMN (ATV Association of Minnesota)

When you join ATVMN, you're helping to ensure the future of ATV activities in the state of Minnesota. You'll join hundreds of other enthusiastic ATV owners from throughout the state and be part of one of the strongest state ATV organizations in the country.

Over The Hills Gang recommends keeping your ATVMN membership up to date as they provide great resources to ATV enthusiasts. Learn more about ATVMN and their membership information by visiting their website,

Want to Join ATVMN?

Download the Membership Application & Renewal form here.

Club Officers

Steve Beneke

Rod Wegner


Trail Coordinator
Tim Sink

Director At Large
Mike Kautz

Melissa Sink

Perry May

Terry Sewill

Kent Korman

Club Meeting Information

We meet on the first Saturday of each month. Meetings start at 9:30am.

Log Cabin Bar & Grill | 40012 State Hwy 6 | Emily, MN 56447

Read our meeting minutes!

Stay in the loop! Read the latest meeting minutes now.

Archived Unapproved Minutes

Archived Approved Minutes


Volunteer Opportunities

Sorry, there are no one-time volunteer opportunities available right now.

Want to be more active in the Club?
We have "Work-from-home" volunteer opportunities!

Media & Communications

Keep club website up to date. Post information about club activities on Social Media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Create Club Newsletters or special announcements. Committee shall work under oversight of President.
Committee members: Need help
1. Rod Wegner
2. Jackie Kromschroeder


Create ad campaigns for fund raising events. Chair or designate will be the club contact with Business Sponsors and Chamber. Create and sell club apparel or merchandise. Committee shall work under oversight of Vice-President.
Committee member:
1. Rod Wegner

2. Kelsey Lampert

3. Denise Gorsuch

4. Steve Beneke


Plan calendar and logistics of the annual Club events. Coordinate with Marketing and Media & Communications. Committee shall work under oversight of Vice-President.
Committee members: Always room for more! We want your ideas!
1. Rod & Jessica Wegner
2. Mike Kautz and Kelsey Lampert
3. Dan and Fran Barrett
4. Steve & Denise Beneke


Update as required
Committee members: 
1. Perry May
2. Tim Sink
3. David Thompson


Manage the collection of nominations for outgoing Club officers and Directors and recruit members for committees. Committee shall work under oversight of Secretary.
Committee members:



Process club membership applications and renewals. Process collection of membership dues monthly, deliver dues payment to Treasurer and update membership roster for member status. Work with Marketing and Media & Communication. to recruit new members. Committee shall work under oversight of Secretary.
Committee member:
1. Steve Beneke


Committee duties and members include Club Safety Officer contact with ATV MN, coordinate with Media & Communications to communicate safety info to the community, Planning and Facilitation of Annual ATV Safety Training, Certified MN DNR ATV Safety Instructors, keeping club safety brochure current, ordering current year OHV regulation books for members. Committee shall work under oversight of Grant Manager.
Committee members:
1. All OTHG members who are MNDNR Certified Safety Instructors
2. ATVMN Safety Representative

Quarter Master - (Club Storage)

Committee duties include manage club storage locker, organization, yearly cleaning, coordinating rental payments with Treasurer, researching local storage options, keeping an inventory of club assets, including safety training equipment, trail equipment, and assets stored remote of storage locker. Committee shall work under oversight of Treasurer.
Committee members:
1. Tim Sink